Turning the mines of the past into the ore deposits of the future
In-house project generation is being undertaken by Sodor Geosciences on several former mining areas. This process often involves tracking down old geological reports, geological maps and mine plans in locations such as libraries, archives and museums. Compilation and evaluation of the data, applying lateral thinking, modern geological knowledge and innovative ideas enables us to develop conceptual geological/mineralisation models and identify areas of exploration potential.
Sodor Geosciences has recently completed an evaluation project on the Knysna (Millwood) goldfield in the Western Cape of South Africa. This provides an example of the type of results that can be achieved.
Latest presentation on the Knysna (Millwood) Goldfield
Please contact us if you would like more details on the Knysna (Millwood) goldfields or the geological model proposed for its formation.
Alternatively, if you have a similar evaluation project in mind, Sodor Geosciences would be happy to assist in the data sourcing and evaluation process.
YouTube presentation on the Knysna (Millwood) goldfield for the Geological Society of South Africa